Monday, October 20, 2008

Interesting and valid research: why some men never have a girlfriend

If you're one of those that lost faith in yourself because you can't seem to find the right woman for you, don't despair. A new study shows that there are valid scientific reasons for that:

  • Number of people on Earth (in 1998): 5 592 830 000
  • …who are female: 2 941 118 000
  • …in "developed" countries: 605 601 000
  • …currently (in 2000) aged 18 to 25: 65 399 083
  • …who are beautiful: 1 487 838
  • …and intelligent: 236 053
  • …and not already committed: 118 027
  • …and also might like you: 18 726
So, basically there are 18 726 women in the world that are right for you. But before you say: "Well that's quite a lot! I might get lucky!" consider that's 18 726 in 6 000 000. Which means that your chances are quite slim. As the author of the study concludes:
"At first glance, a datable population of 18 726 may not seem like such a low number, but consider this: assuming I were to go on a blind date with a new girl about my age every week, I would have to date for 3493 weeks before I found one of the 18 726. That's very nearly 67 years. As a North American male born in the late 1970s, my life expectancy is probably little more than 70 years, so we can safely say that I will be quite dead before I find the proverbial girl of my dreams. Come to think of it, she'll probably be dead too."

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